If you can believe it, the situation got even worse.... A thousand times so.
A Uhaul that was powered by asthmatic chihuahuas.. |
On top of this, I had to stay an extra week to get my refund, which was promised that Friday.
Naturally, it did not happen.
I still am waiting.
He has deposited $2500 of the $3130 he owes me, but is taking his sweet ass time about it. This does not include the cost of the stolen parts ($800 bucks near abouts) the Uhaul and Trailer ($1400) or the fuel and hotel stays on my way back to Montana (did not even want to look)
In the grand scheme of all this bullshit, I managed to not straight up go over to the shop and murder the man. I had the gun, but I was in such a state that I would have found a way to stab him to death with something like a cardboard box or an egg carton or something.
I was that angry.
Still am, actually.
Anyway, there is a new(ish) motor awaiting me in Missoula at the Toyotas Only shop, that they found for me and have resealed and done the complete Toyota service on a 72K mile donor motor. Plug and play, complete and ready to go. Soon as I pay for it, of course.
Its a 7/16ths bolt... |
There is a sense of peace and harmony that goes along with the frustration and broken knuckles and stuck bolts. Or, in the most recent case, broken bolts... That one broken bolt..literally a week of my life went into getting it out.....which never did happen. I broke, count it, THREE cobalt drill bits, three titanium drill bits, one hardened steel screw extractor, one tap and die set, and all of my patience. On a 7/16ths bolt used to hold a choke thermostat in the exhaust manifold.
I ended up swapping the whole thing out, which to do the exhaust manifold on a Dodge 225 Slant Six means taking off EVERYTHING (carb, intake, ect). Luckily I had a spare manifold (because we all have spare manifolds) from the barn (because we all have barns), and now the truck runs perfectly.
The replacement...covered in birdshit. |
Its 32 years old...It did sit nearly two years before I pulled the whole truck out of the barn and got it running for a few weeks last summer. I imagine I had it coming. She's angry.
But, to be truthful, it was all worth it. The last day, where everything started going back together, bolt by bolt, I felt a sense of relief. That kind of relief you get when you realize you are not in trouble, or when a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
Pictured: Barn recovery last summer. |
Like I said, the Dodge runs perfectly-ish. It still has its quirks. It still has a clutch issue where i have broken every part of the clutch, and don't know why (would you believe the shop that did the clutch on it 2006 put in the WRONG pressure plate? I do. Now.)
And its been a source of thousands of headaches.
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