But has a fuck ton to do with common sense. Forgive the profanity, this entry will be full of it. If that is a problem, excercise your right to not be around and go elsewhere. If cold truth hurts, well, I don't want to tell you anything anyway. I am not going to pull any punches here. I am going to be blunt, and I am going to be clear as a cold mountain stream.
Ye been warned.
So.....I guess over the last two weeks, my Alma matter, the U of M, has had 3 deaths either on or associated with campus. One suicide, one (i believe) sickness, and one fatal shooting.
The shooting is what is causing this rant.
Right off the bat, I am going to state that, Yes, I am a gun owner. I have a selection of firearms in my ownership and possession, to which this automatically gives people the right to judge me for whatever their reason. Good or Bad. But I want to put that out there. Someone will flip their shit and call this blog a "Hippy gun hater liberal fuckhead" sort of writing. This is my disclaimer. I HAVE GUNS. It is my right, and my (watch out, big word coming) RESPONSIBILITY. I shoot bambi and thumper and whatever disney moose people can remember because they are damn tasty, and it is to feed my family. You want to argue with that, well fuck off, this has nothing to do with hunting.
It has everything to do with fucking common sense and gun fucking safety.
The kid who "got shot". A horrible accident. Apparently, he was at a house party (by the way, booze is usually at house parties), when out came a firearm for inspection and show and tell.
Rule Number One: Booze/guns/people you don't know are a bad fucking idea. That is the first thing that you see in hunter's safety as a kid. DO NOT DRINK AND HANDLE GUNS. You aren't supposed to drive or fly or practice medicine all boozy either.
Rule Number Two. THis is to the asshole who brought the gun out to show his friends. Why was it fucking loaded? Why was it not cleared of rounds before it was passed around? Why did you need to show it off? Handling guns give you a chubby dick? Show you are a man? Worse, are you trying to intimidate someone? The kid who brought this gun out is 50% responsible for his friend's death, right off the bat for even introducing the gun to the situation in the first place.
Rule Number Three: When you aim a gun, you commit to shooting the target. This is final and applies to all guns.
OK...Apparently, the kid who shot himself took the gun into his own hands, looked at his girlfriend, and told her that if she ever left him, he would do this *placed gun to head and pulled trigger*
End of Story. Now single girl gets to wipe brain matter off her face and live the rest of her life seeing her boyfriend commit suicide in front of her.
What the fuck. Seriously, WHAT.THE.FUCK? What in Sam fucking Hell did this kid think was going to happen? the gun go click? What the fuck...
Here is why I am all "WHAT THE FUCK". My ENTIRE life i have been exposed to guns. My father has a good number of them. From the moment I was old enough to concieve the purpose of a firearm, I have been living by the rule CONSIDER A GUN TO ALWAYS BE LOADED, EVEN IF IT IS NOT. Always. This is not a crazy notion, is it? You can drop the mag and eject the rounds and make sure the gun is completely dry, and you don't think that putting it to your head is ok. You don't look down the barrel of a gun you dont know, certainly.
And this, this was fucking doctrine for everything. Squirt Guns. Nerf Guns, Rubber Band Guns. BB guns. ALWAYS TREAT THE GUN AS IF IT WAS LOADED. NEVER POINT THE GUN UNLESS YOU MEAN TO ENGAGE THE TARGET.
Seems like common god damn sense. But it isn't. That is the problem. The gun is not the problem. It is the operator. It is the people. Kid one who brought out the gun should have cleared it. He made a mistake. He handed his friend a dangerous tool. The kid who mishandled the gun and shot himself.....well, he's dead. Can't get more final than that.
And now, the real tragedy is that people are losing their shit over this. Its a tragedy, he was so young, guns are bad, gun nuts are everything wrong with the world, liberals and hippies are going to take our guns away. Blah blah blah.
The kid who brought the gun to the party should be punished. Reckless endangerment. He failed to do his part and make sure the gun was completely damn empty.
The kid who is dead, well, he's dead. Learned not to point a gun at himself the hard way.
This is the problem. Irresponsible behavior, and no accountability. Guns, as I was growing up, were always a big deal. It was an honor, It was a privilege, it was my father's trust in me, and all the things he taught me. The gun was just the tool. The rest, far more important. I got my first gun and it was a big fucking deal. Like my first car and license. BIG DEAL, BIG RESPONSIBILITY. IF I SCREW UP, I LOSE THE PRIVILEGE.
Today, kids are given things for the sake of having things. They don't have to work for it, they don't have to honor it or be responsible to it. The dead kid was like 19. He was a kid, dont care how you slice it. He should have known better. An accident? Not at all. Gross negligence?
Damn Right.
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