I don't rightly know which ones I hate more...
I get the point of stickers, some of them anyway. I won't lie, I have them on my truck. All three are logos. One for my favorite Car TV show, one for the Flight School I attended, one is the emblem for my favorite beer (its called Powder Hound. The emblem is a husky, and it matches my dog), and the last is, well, another Flight school Logo. I don't notice them half the time. Then again, I don't really notice that my truck is three different shades of Forest Service Green...
Point is, I don't see any issue with those stickers. But some, I just have to wonder what the hell people were thinking.

For example, today I was driving back from whatever errand I was running and I drove past a mid-90's Ford pickup with a selection of these catchy or clever white vinyl stickers in the back window. The one that caught my eye at 30 mph in traffic though was the one the size of a lunchroom food tray.
The Confederate Flag, with the legend below it "Heritage Not Hate"
Ok, I know that the Confederate flag is a huge part of Southern Culture. I am aware of their South's rally cry of "The South will rise again" or "Them Damn Yankees" etc etc etc. Everyone who flies it or has it on their wall or on their car sees
one thing: The South's pride in fighting for what they considered their freedom. Which coincidentally included the practice of slavery of African Americans. Note: Southerners and those who fly the confederate flag (Sterotype Rednecks, mostly) seem to forget that last part. Don't rightly know how, seeing as that is the only thing the rest of the world thinks about when that emblem is in view.
Associated History and the stigma that goes with it.
What makes this a good idea? Native Americans are proud of their heritage. Native pride stickers are pretty popular, or the eagle feathers or the circle with the cross in it (the correct term escapes me at the moment. it will hit me as soon as I post this).
Why don't we see, on cars owned by Natives, the Swastika?
Seriously, lots of native cultures used the swastika as a symbol reflecting the wheel of life. The chinese use of the swastika means good luck. The Indian Head emblem of the Lafayette Escadrille fighter group in World War 1 had a swastika in it, and that was painted on Allied fighter planes!
Why, then, are there no cars with such stickers.
Well, because the Nazi's screwed it all up, and thanks to the goose stepping idiots and the persona that was Adolf Hitler, the symbol is forever tainted by the association with the second world war. Cheers to guilt by associated history.....
Wait, stickers....Right. The guy driving that truck is now driving an argument instigator. Not only that, but has painted a picture of himself to other people that could be wrong. Hell, the guy could be a saint who rescues wee kitties and councils kids against drugs, but based on that sticker, people read into it as he is, simply, a racist dick.
The other person that fries my circuits is the person with 4000 political hatred and propaganda stickers plastered over every square inch of his trunk lid and back windows. Why? ObamaHilarySaddamPutinBushThatcherJohnsonwhoever is not going to take your guns or cheeze wiz away. You are just making up for the fact that you can't expand your view a little bit by plastering your car with adhesive.
Or the guy who has stickers the size of shoe boxes on every body panel with some condemning bible verse. Way to cause an accident, you and your 30 sentence long stickers that some people actually try to read while driving. What is the point of it? I get you are a fan of God, but a simple cross or "God Bless" will suffice in letting people know.
There are a grand number of others that bug me too. Huge titty porn stars with near no coverings (these DO NOT count as Pinups, as they are not tasteful in the slightest), obnoxious business banners, you know who you are *Cough Hippehatermx Cough* and others that I simply don't see the point of. I have to wonder what people are thinking when they put these stickers on. I highly doubt it is "If I put this sticker on my car, proclaiming that Santorum is our savior and that anyone who supports wolf reintroduction is a communist nazi, that people will look at me like I am a bigoted racist fool."
Which they will.
In the end, I know that it is all opinion. "Eatin' Fords, Shittin' Chevys" or what the hell ever people put on their car is a viewpoint or advertisement. And this being America, it is certainly the place you should be able to express that opinion.
I just wish I didn't have to read them while I am trying to enjoy my drive.
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